

28 11, 2022

Is mold affecting my health?

2024-02-08T12:31:40+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

Health problems caused by mold range from chronic sinus & immunity problems, to digestive and mental health issues.

While it’s widespread and often missed, functional health tests can pin point if this is a problem for you.

Two thirds of the UK population have been exposed to mold

Recent research has revealed that nearly two thirds of people in the UK have claimed to have encountered mold at least once in their home.

I’m seeing more and more people with mold or fungal overgrowth in their body. I would go so far as to say, mold toxicity is one of the most underappreciated causes of sensitivity and toxicity in the body.

Mycotoxins are the real problem

Mycotixins, which are small toxic particules produced by mold, are potentially problematic for our health. What’s more, they are very hard to get rid of, even when the mold has been cleaned away. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as spraying and wiping the mold.  Mycotoxins can be inhaled, eaten, touched, or even made by molds in the gut or sinuses that have colonized a body after past exposure. Mycotoxins are released into the air and wiping the mold doesn’t automatically get rid of them. This is a job that I would recommend a carefully selected professional deals with, in order to prevent spreading the mycotoxins and to eliminate the mold.

Does mold affect everyone in the same way?

Many people can tolerate some degree of mold with no problem. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find in a family of four for example just one or two people affected by mold living in the same house. This can sometimes be explained by a common gene mutation found in 25% of the population that reduces a persons natural ability to detox mycotoxins efficiently. As a result mycotoxins can continue to accumulate and build up over time in the body. In general, also, things like stress, general health status, immunity and other factors can impact your body’s ability to handle things like mycotoxins as well as other allergens.

We have known for a long time the importance of bacterial balance in the body. 70% of our immune system comes from in and around our gut and the good bacteria that should proliferate there. An imbalance with this bacteria, as well as over growth of bad bacterias and mold, can contribute to a wide range of health problems.

Typical symptoms associated with Mold Toxicity

I might suspect mold if people come to see me with a wide range of problems from multiple food allergies and digestive problems to OCD and chronic fatigue.

Mold also can exacerbate and impact other conditions, such as Lyme Disease.

For some they can have quite high levels of mold in their body without experiencing many problems initially. In such cases, if they later go on to encounter something like a serious infection or virus, it can make it much harder to clear that up. From there,  health problems and inflammation can cascade at that point.

Here is a list of things that can be associated with mold and mycotoxins. If you find you are experiencing several of these it could be related:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Aches and stiffness
  • Muscle cramps and joint pain
  • Headaches and migraines, especially ice pick pain
  • Sinus problems
  • Light sensitivity
  • Red or tearing eyes
  • Blurred Vision, visual distrubances or white snow
  • Cough / shortness of breath
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • SIBO
  • Memory problems, confusion, disorientation, focus and concentration Issues
  • Slow learning
  • Skin Sensitivity
  • Mood Swings, OCD, anxiety, depression, rages
  • Tics and spasms
  • Appetite swings
  • Sweats (especially night sweats)
  • Temperature regulation or dysregulation problems
  • Excessive thirst
  • Increased urination and interstitial cystitis
  • Numbness, tingling and electric shock type symptoms
  • Vertigo
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Metallic taste
  • Tremors

What can you do if you think mold might be affecting you?

Come and see me and we can discuss your symptoms and the likelihood that mold is a factor.

The process will usually be along these lines:

Step 1:
Evaluate your environment – home, work, school, car for mold. If it’s not immediately obvious, a relatively cheap way to do this is with a mold inspection and ERMI test, which we can discuss.

Step 2: Urine Mycotoxin Test
I can arrange a Mycotoxin urine test for you to see if you have a build up of mycotoxins in your body, and which particular strains you have. This is useful as we can then match treatments accordingly. Before doing this test it’s advisable to take a sauna or do some physical exercise that makes you sweat, or to take a hot bath 30 minutes before collection of urine.

Step 3:
I recommend specific binders, which help to soak up and carry out the type of mycotoxins detected in your test. I will also make sure that your detox pathways are open and running optimally.

Step 4:
When the binders are up and running and your body is better protected from the sudden release of toxins that can happen when killing mold with anti-fungals, we very slowly and gently add an antifungal component to the program.


As far back as the Old Testament in Levictus 14, there is a warning that if a man’s house is contaminated with plagues, mold and leprosy “he shall have the inside of the house scraped all around and the plaster that they scrape off they shall pour out in an unclean place outside the city.”

In the 1970s and 80s the US Defence Department grew concerned about the possibility of mycotoxins being used for biological warfare and they did useful research on how to bind and eliminate them from the body.


The trouble is that simply cleaning mold with a spray and wipe is not going to address the tiny mycotoxins that are released into the air by mold – these mycotoxins are the potential cause of health issues in relation to mold. So, while you may have removed the obvious mold from the windowsill or wiped it off the bathroom grout, the invisible problem of mycotoxins remains, and unless you physically remove the piece of wood for example that the mold was growing on and two foot either side (while containing the area) a problem remains. Thorough cleaning is also required and further steps. Another problem with mold is that it often hides, for example under a lino floor, behind or at the back of a cupboard or anything that is pressed up to the wall, in carpets, or even in wall cavities. Sometimes there’s a distinctive musty smell, sometimes not.

25 11, 2022

Strong Gut Health, Strong Immune System

2022-11-25T14:27:21+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

You are in the right place for questions about your gut health

Many people are looking for answers about their gut health, from IBS, food allergies, gall bladder pain and consitpation to stomach upset, and unexplained pains and sensations.


70% of our immune system is tied up with the gut bacteria. Bowel health is something I talk about a lot because it’s such a frequent underlying cause or contributing factor behind so many health problems that it can’t be over emphasised. For example, headaches, food intolerances such as dairy, skin problems, recurrent urinary tract or sinus infections, and more are often related, even though it might not seem that way.

I’ve put together a questionnaire below. It’s worth noting that anybody can have some of these occassionally, such as a headache or upset tummy, but when symptoms become troublesome or chronic, and where you notice two or more, it is a good idea to investigate and address your gut health.

  1. Do you experience constipation often?
  2. Do you experience diarrhoea otten?
  3. Do you have IBS (swings between constipation and loose bowels)?
  4. Do you experience more than usual or uncomfortable burping?
  5. Do you have excessive wind?
  6. Do you experience bloating?
  7. Have you taken antibiotics before?
  8. Have you had food poisoning before?
  9. Have you had a bowel infection before, such as C. Diff?
  10. Do you have skin problems, such as Acne, Rosacea, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema?
  11. Do you experience regular headache migraine or sinusitis issues?
  12. Do you have recurrent or chronic UTIs or interstitial cystitis?
  13. Do you have fungal or Candida issues?
  14. Do you have trouble with Bacterial Vaginosis?
  15. Do you experience depression, anxiety, OCD or other mental health issues?
  16. Do you have food intolerances?

Natural medicine is a wonderful way to help rebalance and correct bowel health. There are a wide range of targeted and specific probiotics, as well as antifungals, antibacterials and herbs to sooth and health the gut wall and address things like leaky gut.

Iridology is useful for picking up issues with the digestive tract, and in some cases further testing, such as a stool test, can be benefiial. These tests can either be done in my London practice or Suffolk for Iridology, or functional tests can be carried out at home.

Get in touch with any question and to find out more.

21 11, 2022

Recovery from Burnout & Stress

2024-06-28T13:50:55+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

Reverse the effects of stress & burnout

While we can’t always escape the stresses and strains of life, we can make our bodies much more resilient to their sometimes devestating impact. What’s more, with targetted treatment we can often recover quickly.

BURNOUTChronic Fatigue, Tiredness, Mental & Physical Fatigue

Burnout is a complete depletion, exhaustion and draining, often associated with huge amounts of stress, strain and prolonged fatigue. The illeffects can be widespread. It can lead to problems with energy, vitality, susceptability to stress, depression, anxiety. irritability, restlessness and sleep problems. What’s more, if left it can have a knock-on effect with the immune system leading to a domino affect of other problems.

The goal with Naturopathy is to strengthen the areas of your body that will enable you to not only recover, but also have a much higher tolerance for stress and unyielding demands that many of us have to face. Burnout affects the adrenals and nervous system primarily. With some targetted therapy we can rebuild and strengthen these areas.


It’s not new for people to be confronted with stress and pressure. What’s more, this might come from a combination of sources, such as work, financial stress, parenthood, caring roles, juggling roles, personal relationships, abusive relationships, war, loss, or mental and physical trauma. Furthermore, there are of course varying degrees and intensity of demands and worries that we face. However, the underlying reality is that life is not necessarily easy. What’s more, more often than not there’s no easy way to avoid the pressure, cut back responsibilities, or stop dealing with things that are happening in our lives.

The amazing thing I have noticed is, that despite the extreme pressures piling on and on to people, how well many manage to carry on. The trouble is, that by charging through the body’s warning signals that you’re dealing with more than you should, it can take a serious toll on the body and mind.


With stress, fatigue and burnout often come ‘quick fix’ solutions. These might be stimulants, such as coffee and energy drinks that help to get people going or act as a pick-me-up during the day.

Compounded this, for many, is a poor diet. Finding motivation and energy to cook a healthy meal when you’re already exausted is often not top of the list of priorities.

Finally, some will turn to excess alcohol or other recreational stimulation for relief. This in turn only exacerbates the situation.

When you piece together some of the lifestyle habits so easily adoped by those under stress and pressure, you can see how the dwindling spiral of more fatigue, compromised eating habits and needing more stimulants forms. This is the vicious cycle that ultimately ends up with more and more fatigue.


So how does this work?

Diagnosing the areas of one’s health that are rundown and need support is the first step, and is key to recovery.

The areas commonly affected include:

A rundown nervous system

When the nervous system becomes depleted from the key nutritional tools it needs to operate, it behaves somewhat like a sponge. This means it is soaking up and robbing energy from other parts of the body. For example, areas like the digestive and hormonal systems can be affected, and in turn open the door to mental health problems from irritability to anxiety and depression.

The adrenal glands

The adrenals are particularly susceptible to stress. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is produced in excess during times of stress and this on its own will lead to burnout. What’s more, cortisol has wide reaching affects in excess. For example it will suppress progesterone, allowing oestrogen to dominate. This will greatly affect a woman’s health, and can significantly contribute to fertility problems, poly cystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis.

Excess cortisol affects testosterone too. This affects not only men’s sexual health, but women’s too, especially in menopause.

Excess cortisol also contributes to weight gain, insomnia and poor digestion.

Liver and gall bladder congestion

Poor diets often go hand-in-hand with burnout and stress. Frequently this includes stimulants like coffee, sugar and sometimes alcohol. Stimulants put pressure on your liver and gall bladder, and digestive problems typically then follow. Interestingly, insufficient bile flow contributes to a surprising degree to insufficient thyroid function. Consequently, symptoms that come with poor thyroid function, such as fatigue and weight gain, can often be traced back to stress and burnout. What’s more, the diet of a person under stress, where time is limited to prepare food, will tend to eat more sugar and carbs, further putting the body generally under stress.

A lot can be done to support a person going through stress, burnout and tiredness. What’s more, results can often be achieved quickly. It’s not always easy to avoid stress, indeed sometimes it’s impossible. There will be things you simply can’t avoid, but helping you through this by applying specific natural medicines can be very effective and help to relieve the stress and its toll on your body and mind.


Come and see me in London at the world-renowned Hale Clinic in Harley Street, or you can make a booking for a remote consultation. I look forward to having the opportunity to assist you with this.

21 02, 2022

Resolving Chronic, Repetitive Infections, eg UTIs, Sinus Infections, Candida

2022-02-21T15:17:22+00:00By |Ailments, Nutrition|

Are you struggling with UTIs, Sinus Problems, Candida & Other Chronic Infections or Stubborn Health Problems?

Relief can be found once the cause is isolated, allowing for pinpointed, successful treatment to follow. Functional testing checks for undetected bacterial, fungal and parasite infections, which often lie behind chronic health problems and infections.

“After enduring relentless frequency and achy pain for months, Nick found out what the problem was, which was such a relief. He gave me supplements to help relieve the problem as well as a program to treat it. I’m pretty much back to myself now, which I’m so grateful for. With the things I had read online I was really worried I wouldn’t get better, and my GP didn’t think there was anything wrong with me because the UTI tests came back negative. I’m so glad Nick was able to give me answers, thank you Nick.” – Mary

Chronic infections on the rise

Increasingly, people come and see me with stubborn, chronic conditions that are not resolving after seeing their GP and other usual interventions. Examples include chronic UTIs and infections, sinus problems, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, skin disorders, emotional and memory problems. Getting to the bottom of why you have chronic issues is key, what’s more, sometimes people will have one underlying issue behind or contributing to several problems, such as UTIs. sinus problems and anxiety.

Functional testing to isolate the cause

Through functional tests, which I now offer through my practice, it has became apparent that underlying many of these problems lay bacterial, fungal and parasite issues. Not only are the health issues I’m seeing often uncomfortable and life altering, if problems such as mold toxicity and parasites are left untreated they can lead to serious health problems, including things like Cancer.

Common Underlying Causes

Below are examples of common causes that are indicated through functional testing. Furthermore, sometimes people have no idea they are carrying these internal problems.

Growth of knowledge in natural medicine has improved dramatically in recent times. I’m treating a lot of people with mold Infections, as well as the more common yeast, candida overgrowth in the body. What’s interesting is that past exposure to mold, even many years ago, can trigger problems later in life, particularly after stress or infection if the mold has not cleared from the body. Some people clear mold without intervention simply by changing their environment, but for others they need to actually take a program to help the body eliminate it. In some cases people know they have had mold exposure, their symptoms started at the same time and match typical mold symptoms. However, with others, they may have been unaware of a mold exposure, and functional testing is then appropriate to determine if this is the issue. Natural remedies are very effective in helping to correct this.

Typical symptoms of mold toxicity include:

  • chronic sinus infections and nasal congestion
  • skin irritations
  • food allergies and sensitivities
  • anxiety
  • memory problems
  • vertigo
  • urinary tract issues – especially frequency
  • migraines
  • histamine reactions
  • respiratory problems such as asthma

Probiotics, or friendly bacteria, have been known about for a long time. Huge inroads have been made in this area of treatment. Many stubborn and even antibiotic resistant conditions can be addressed in part by using specific strains of healthy bacteria.

Antibiotics, have had many uses and benefits in the past, but tend to be over prescribed, paving the way for antibiotic resistance.

In a healthy adult’s body there are about 100 trillion friendly bacteria. That’s three times more than cells in the body. A lot of these bacteria should be thriving in the digestive tract, which has a huge effect upon the immune system. In fact, 70% of our immune system comes from in and around our gut.

The trouble with a lot of these unfriendly bacteria such as mold, candida, e-coli and many more is that they can survive under what is known as ‘biofilms’. These biofilms protect the bacteria a bit like a piece of clingfilm or a slimy membrane so that antibiotics can’t get to them. So, in these situations biofilms need to be disrupted and cleared out and then the bacteria needs to be destroyed.

Often, I see people with persistent or repetitive urinary tract infections that don’t seem to clear or respond to antibiotics. Biofilms can often be present in such cases. A telling sign of biofilms is when a typical urine tests carried out in a GP surgery comes back negative, despite the person experiencing urinary tract discomfort, frequency, burning or aches and problems with urine flow. This often results in a chronic, low grade UTI going untreated.

Antibiotics, which are often used multiple times for people who have recurrent problems with UTIs, compound the issue. They lower the body’s immune system, disrupt bacteria balance and impact the permeability of the gut wall. I often find that leaky gut is an important factor with UTI problems. This is where toxins are crossing the wall of the gut and then in turn affect the urinary tract. Treatment of leaky gut is then required.

The understanding of probiotics, friendly bacteria, has broadened to include such things as spore biotics. These spore biotics are friendly bacteria that we don’t just get from our food but from our environment. They can have a beneficial effect with healing the body and improving the immune system.

Furthermore, urine test for UTIs carried out routinely at GP surgeries, generally do not detect low levels of bacteria, so often miss cases that are behind biofilms or that are milder, and usually only picks up things like e-coli. However, e-coli, while it is the most common bacteria responsible for UTI, is not the only one. There are several others that are often missed.

Treatment of parasites has also become a more common complaint and problem that I deal with. It has often been the idea that you only get these things in tropical areas, but this is not the case as I have seen during practice in Australia as well as England. There is a simple stool test that you can do from home to determine if this is the cause.

Symptoms of parasites include:

  • Stomach pain, nausea or vomiting
  • Digestive problems including unexplained constipation, diarrhoea, or persistent gas
  • Skin issues such as rashes, eczema, hives, and itching
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Constant hunger
  • Anaemia
  • Teeth grinding
  • Yeast infections
  • Sleep issues

The Next Step

The first step is to find out what is happening inside the body. Ideally this is done with an appointment in London, Suffolk or online. If you would like to have a chat first with any questions please get in touch.

6 05, 2021

Tired of Being Tired?

2021-05-06T16:54:43+00:00By |Ailments, Nutrition|

Does Tiredness Rule Your Life?

Thyroid problems can be a big reason people feel tired no matter how much rest and sleep they get.

Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is one of the most common things that I, and most Naturopaths, see in consultation. Natural remedies are very well suited to this condition.

There are a number of factors that contribute to an underactive thyroid, such as sluggish gallbladder and bile flow, adrenal fatigue and food intolerances, just to name a few.

If you feel tired a lot of the time, I suggest having a look at the questionnaire below.

  1. Are you gaining weight despite eating healthily or dieting?
  2. Do you find it difficult to lose weight?
  3. Do you feel excessively tired a lot of the time?
  4. Are you mentally tired or do feel you have slowness in thinking?
  5. Are you sensitive to the cold?
  6. Do you have dry or scaly skin?
  7. Do you have sluggish bowels or constipation?
  8. Is your hair thinning?
  9. Do you have brittle nails?
  10. Have you had fertility issues?
  11. Do you experience hormonal imbalances, such as irregular or heavy menstruation?
  12. Do you experience heart palpitations?
  13. Do you experience depression?
  14. Do you experience muscle cramps?

If some of these questions resonate with you, get in touch. It may be a good idea to come in and have an iridology check to see if your thyroid is showing up as an issue.

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11 03, 2021

Functional Health Testing to Unlock Healing

2021-03-11T13:38:46+00:00By |Ailments, Nutrition|

What is Functional Health Testing?

Functional health testing can be particularly useful for complex cases, such as autoimmune health conditions, long standing infections, chronic candida, autism, chronic/interstitial cystitis, infertility, and stubborn digestive problems.

Tests available include stool tests, testing for mold and Candida, hormonal testing and food intolerance testing.

Identifying exactly what is going on inside the body can be a vital key to unlock healing.


There are many examples of how the tests can be applied, below are just a few examples:


Typically a stool test could be done in a case of someone with chronic and stubborn IBS, which can reveal specific bacteria or mold causing this, which can then be addressed with targeted antimicrobials and natural treatment. In addition, a stool test is useful in many of cases – with the gut being so important for immune health and our health in general.


In cases of perimenopause, menopause and fertility a detailed hormone panel can be very useful. Hormones can be tested through blood tests, often done at GP surgeries, saliva or urine. My preference is for the urine test, which gives a full picture of what is going on with your sex hormones, sleep hormones and adrenal hormones. I prefer to use a urine test over blood because by taking 4-5 samples over 24 hours you are getting a far more accurate picture than one blood sample which is just a snapshot at a single point in time. Hormones fluctuate through the course of the day significantly, so testing several times is more informative. In addition to this, urine testing for sex hormone, instead of blood or saliva, shows the metabolites of the major hormones. This is just as important as metabolites often have the biggest effect on your symptoms.


Food intolerances can be very difficult to isolate, and in some cases they can have a profound impact on your quality of life and well being. I am offering IGG food intolerance tests, which is a type of antibody (immune response) which can be formed when you react to foods. This simple test is now considered mainstream as many choose to use this approach as a starting point for an elimination diet.


Another example might be in the case of autism. There is a biomedical component whereby underlying medical issues often cause or contribute to autistic behaviour.  Common problems include overgrowth of Candida and Clostridia, inability to detoxify environmental toxins, and development of food intolerances and/or allergies. This in turn restricts the nutrients available to the brain and body, resulting in damage to cellular, metabolic, and central nervous system functionality.  The OAT test will detect these issues, paving the way for a targeted natural program to help correct these underlying issues.


I continue to offer Iridology testing, which I often do in a routine consultation. Iridology is the science and study of pathological and functional disturbances in the human body, which are indicated by abnormal markings and color changes in the iris. It reveals inflammation, where it is located and the stage of manifestation. Bodily conditions as they relate to inherent weaknesses, levels of health can be diagnosed through Iridology. It is a diagnostic tool started by German Doctors in the last century, and has become a popular tool used by Naturopathic practitioners to help identify the location of inflammation, weaknesses, and toxicity in the body.

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26 02, 2021

Long COVID & Natural Medicine

2021-02-26T15:06:44+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

How Can You Help Long COVID?

Long COVID is a new, debilitating condition, that can follow a COVID-19 infection. However, post-viral illness is nothing new. In fact, it’s a very common thing I have been treating in my practice over the last 25 years.

The main symptoms I see include, tiredness, weakness, brain fog, heart palpitations, mental health issues, dizziness, gut issues, body aches and pains, and sometimes sinus or breathing issues. There is a long history of natural medicine being used for post-viral illness.


There are two main ways Long COVID appears to affect people:

  • Respiratory symptoms, such as a prolonged cough and shortness of breath, as well as symptoms of chronic fatigue and headaches.
  • A more complex picture affecting many parts of the body, including the brain, gut and heart.

The Cause of Ongoing Post Viral Symptoms

If you have had a virus, like COVID, and feel you never properly recovered, you may be wondering why so many people have managed to fully recover with relative ease. Afterall, it’s the same virus.

The difference is in the environment and genetics in which the virus finds itself. It’s not just the virus causing the long-term symptoms, what is more important is the health status and genetic makeup that determine how well a person can shake off the virus and to what extent.

Let’s have a closer look.

Your Age

Age does play its role in the likelihood of Long COVID developing, as it does statistically with the severity of the COVID-19 infection. Long COVID affects around 10% of 18-49 year olds who become unwell with COVID-19, rising to 22% of over 70s.

Lots of peope I see with Chronic Fatigue and post viral illness generally can be in the 20s and 30s. So age is not always a guideline, but the statistics are useful.

How Healthy is the Host?

How healthy are you?

It’s not always an easy question to answer.

How a person will be impacted by COVID-19 during and after is very much determined by how healthy you are when you get infected.

While you may feel fine, fit and healthy, when something like COVID-19 comes along, it can act as the trigger, or the straw that breaks the camels back. In short, it can expose the fact that beneath the surface all is not as well as it may have appeared. Very quickly, a person can go from being asymptomatic to feeling very unwell.

In addressing Long Covid, what’s important, is to pin point what was going on below the surface.

History of Glandular Fever

For many with post viral fatigue, a history of Glandular Fever leaves its mark and plays a role, or another sickness that was difficult to recover from. For those with such a history, Long COVID is more likely to grip.

A common theme post Glandular Fever can be a congested lymphatic system. If the lymphatics are not working well the immune system is compromised and the body can’t effectively clear out waste material via this channel. The knock on effect is the post-viral type symptoms experienced by people with Long COVID and often by those who have had Glandular Fever.


COVID-19 can, for some, cause a massive strain on the body, effectively whipping up an internal storm. If your body is already inflamed, from poor diet, stress, infections, injuries, chronic health conditions, being rundown, or overuse of medications, such as antibiotics, bringing COVID-19 into the picture is going to be that much more challenging for the body to handle. Inflammation in the body can make you feel very unwell. Furthermore, inflammation in general underlies nearly every disease you can think of from Dementia and Diabetes, to Cancer and Autoimmune health problems.

Bringing down inflammation with a low carbohydrate and low sugar diet is a good first step. Natural medicines can specifically be applied to reduce inflammation also.

Gut Health

70% of the immune system is in the gut, so this is an important area to optimise for recovery. What’s more, gut issues are a common symptom of Long COVID. If the gut is not operating well, it can affect the body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients, which are vital for recovery.

Iridology, which I provide in my practice, is a good way to test for leaky gut and damage to the gut lining. The virus can cause great damage to the gut lining, which in turn allows particles to leak across the bowel wall into the blood stream.

Another issue is that because much of the immune system is in this part of the body, histamine production goes into overdrive and the body is on high alert. For some people this can trigger Mast Cell Activation, which produces a range of uncomfortable symptoms. In such cases a low histamine or Paleo diet can bring about relief.

It is widely thought that part of the virus gets stuck in the bowel, and exacerbates the Long COVID symptoms.

Probiotics, natural antivirals, antibacterials, fermented foods, fruits and vegetables are an important part of restoring a healthy microbiome. In addition, there are some very effective natural remedies to help heal the gut wall.

For some cases, stool testing can be of great benefit.


Supporting genetic predispositions to oxidative stress and inflammation with specific nutrients is a helpful way to counter this issue.

For example, 60% of the population inherit a MTHFR gene. This in turn affects your body’s ability to utilise synthetic folic acid, which results in many being low in naturally occuring folic acid. Folic acid is important for many reasons, but in this context it helps the body to produce Glutathione, which protects your body from oxidative stress.

Optimising Glutathione, with or without this gene is important. This can be done in several different ways, from diet to supplementing with NAC.

There are other genetic factors which can also play a role, such as IFNG pro-inflammatory gene, affected by viruses and bacteria. Making sure you have sufficient B vitamins is important for this particular genetic pathway.

If you have been affected by Long COVID or want to find out more, please get in touch and we can discuss it on the phone.

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29 09, 2020

Weight Loss Secrets

2020-09-29T13:55:28+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

How to Successfully Lose Weight

So many people come to see me with the problem of not being able to lose weight despite hard work, going to the gym, and following a diet

weight loss naturopath

Frustration is the result. But, there are a number of key body functions that need to be working well for weight loss to occur. If they are out of balance or not operating well your efforts will be poorly rewarded. Understanding this can make a massive difference to losing weight, but unfortunately, it’s not something mentioned by Doctors and weight loss organizations very often.


1) Bile and liver function

Bile is produced by the liver and released from the gall bladder into the digestive tract. It helps us digest and breakdown fats as well as acting as a laxative and transporting waste and toxins from the body. Insufficient bile production will make it harder to lose weight. I find that the gall bladder will almost always be an issue where weight loss is difficult. It contributes to hypothyroidism, constipation, hormonal imbalance and weight gain.

2) “Eating fat makes you fat” is a myth

In fact healthy fats like flax seed, olive oil, coconut oil (both cold pressed and virgin), grass fed butter, avocados, and eggs all help your body produce hormones that reduce inflammation and aid metabolism. This is important because a faster metabolism means your body will be burning up fuel more efficiently. In addition, reduced inflammation results in many health benefits and helps to allow the body to lose weight.

3) Hormonal imbalance

Excess estrogen contributes to gall bladder disease and fluid retention among other health problems. If there is excess estrogen in the body, this in turn puts an extra stress and load on the liver and gall bladder, which, as mentioned above, will have a knock on effect on the body’s ability to lose weight.

4) Fluid retention

Commonly, 3-4kg of extra unwanted weight is actually trapped fluid in the body. Hormonal and mineral imbalances as well as lymphatic congestion will contribute to this. By taking natural remedies, such as celery seed and juniper, as well as other minerals, excess fluid can be eliminated from the body.

5) Thyroid

An under active thyroid will mean your metabolism will slow down, in turn holding onto more weight. Mostly this is related to an autoimmune condition, but when reading this information I think you’ll see how other factors, such as hormonal imbalance, liver and gall bladder function will also impact your thyroid function.

6) Adrenal exhaustion

Adrenal exhaustion will interfere with progesterone production thus allowing excess estrogen to dominate. Fatigue can be another side effect. As mentioned above, this excess estrogen will put an extra load on the gall bladder and liver function, while also affecting the thyroid.

7) Blood sugar balance

If you have erratic blood sugar swings you can gain weight easily. When insulin is high sugars and carbs in your diet get converted to fat, and the body will store this fat typically around the waist, but will also start to find other places, such as the liver and even the arteries.

Eating a low carb/sugar diet reduces stress on your liver and blood sugar levels. Avoiding or limiting high carb foods (bread, pasta, potato, rice, alcohol, cakes and biscuits ) to lose weight is a key step. If you do want to have some carbs, have them for dinner rather than breakfast and lunch, as this will be less of a problem for weight loss.

Another issue is that gluten, found in a lot of high carb foods, will contribute to an under active thyroid, which in turn makes weight loss harder.

Intermittent fasting, which means eating during a small part of the day (eg from 4-8pm), results in less insulin being produced, so less fat storage. If you would like any advice on this let me know.

8) Exercise

Exercise helps hormonal balance and of course burns up energy. But remember, if one has a banana and a muffin for breakfast you will need to run about 10 kilometres to burn it up. That’s a lot. Exercise helps with weight loss, but too much emphasis is put on calories and exercise, and not enough on having your body working in balance, unhindered, paving the way for easier weight loss.


You can probably see a picture starting to form here, whereby different parts of your body need to be in balance in order to achieve effective weight loss. Just trying to target one of these areas alone will have minimal results.

If you want to lose weight, look at all of the above in its entirety. However, the most important single factor is having low carbohydrates, as this will mean that less insulin is produced in your body and less inflammation – allowing your body as a whole to operate more effectively.

Having good energy levels will help achieve a good metabolic rate. As you can see there is a strong digestion and hormonal link too.

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24 05, 2019

FODMAP Diet Plan

2019-05-24T13:52:42+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition|

The FODMAP diet plan & IBS

Not only is the FODMAP diet useful in helping IBS, it can also be beneficial for a range of other health complaints too. There are other specific diets, such as Ketogenic and Paleo that are also well known for helping with digestive complaints and general good health. Finding which suits you best is key.

FODMAP is an acronym for a group of mostly sugars that become fermented and are not well digested. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These include sugars found in fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans and polyols.


The FODMAP diet was created in Australia and was discovered to help IBS symptoms. What’s more, a very high carbohydrate diet was shown to be strongly associated with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and other digestive issues.

In my time as a Naturopath and Nutritionist, I’ve learnt that IBS symptoms, such as bloating, digestive cramps, swings from constipation to loose bowels, diarrhea and wind are often things people just put up with. While the symptoms may not be too troublesome, over months and years IBS can contribute to a more serious deterioration of the bowel, leaky gut and coeliacs disease. In fact,  Leaky gut is common for those with IBS. These conditions have a knock on effect contributing to such a long list of illnesses, from migraines and headaches, to skin problems and inflammation in the body.


Gluten is found in wheat, rye, spelt, and sometimes oats. These are the first foods to eliminate with IBS and bowel problems.

Gluten is found more in our food today than it used to be because of genetic engineering, which renders the gluten content in wheat to be much higher than previously. This is one of the reasons why our grandparents didn’t seem to have such a problem with gluten. Compounding this issue, processing and cooking methods are very different today.

Our grandparents also ate a lot less sugar, in all its forms. Today supermarket shelves are full of foods not only packed with sucrose but also fructose. Fructose is a lot more absorbable than cane sugar, so it hits our blood sugar balancing systems much harder, puts pressure on the liver and creates more inflammation in the body.

Sugar generally is very pro-inflammatory and creates unwanted acidity in our blood, which is why it is a major food that promotes disease and illness in our bodies.

There’s no doubt that many people with IBS who avoid gluten and most grains feel better. This is in part because of the inflammation it can create in the gut and body, such as with eczema and psoriasis. It is also found in high carbohydrate (high sugar) foods, such as bread, pastries and pasta.

During the FODMAP studies by Monash University, the participants significantly improved when they avoided gluten and whey (cow’s dairy proteins), and every participant worsened when gluten and whey proteins were introduced.


It’s interesting to note, such as the Paleo diet, and in particular the Ketogenic diet play important roles in reducing inflammation in the body. This inflammation contributes to skin conditions, like eczema, acne, psoriasis and other complaints, such as migraines and headaches, inflammatory bowel disease and IBS.

The Paleo diet is low in grains and dairy. This compares with the Ketogenic diet, which is low in grains, but not restrictive of dairy. The Ketogenic diet recommends healthy fats, such as butter and coconut oil. This is so we get our energy from ‘clean fuel’ rather than dirty, damaging foods, which come from high carbohydrate foods, such as bread and pasta, and in particular sugar and fructose.

The FODMAP, Paleo and Ketogenic diets all have in common a low level of fermentable sugars, which is in fact what FODMAP stands for. These sugars can create an unhealthy balance of bad to good bacteria in the body. The microbiom (or microorganisms in the body) that are essential for a good immune system and optimal health, can be thrown out of balance. If there is an environment that supports bad bacteria to thrive, when high sugars are present particularly in the gut, SIBO, thrush and candida overgrowth can thrive, contributing to more ill health.


Vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, cauliflower, garlic, peas, leeks, mushrooms, onions, sugar snap peas.

Fruits: apples, cherries, dried fruit, mango, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, watermelon.

Dairy and whey products: cow’s milk, custard, evaporated milk, ice cream, yogurt, condensed milk.

Protein sources: legumes, pulses, some meats.

Breads and cereals: wheat, rye, barley, biscuits and snack products.

Sugars, sweetners and candy: high fructose corn syrup, honey, sugar free candy.

Nuts: cashews and pistachios.

Corn is gluten free, but is also a high carbohydrate food that can contribute to a lot of digestive complaints, so I recommend keeping clear of it.


There are low FODMAP food alternatives. However, simply by avoiding the high FODMAP foods listed above, you are doing a great job.

You can include grains such as quinoa, rice, and gluten free breads, which are fine. However, it’s worth noting, that in some cases I take people off gluten free breads and they can feel better. So in this it’s worth trying to see how you feel.


There has been a lot of hype around the FODMAP diet, and there are some really valid benefits to it. The main one that I believe stands out is avoiding gluten. It’s interesting that the Paleo and Ketogenic diets, also eliminate gluten. Keeping sugars low is also of great benefit to most people.

My word of caution in relation to the FODMAP diet is that getting sufficient healthy fats in our diets today is really important. So my diet of choice tends to be the Ketogenic diet, which encourages plenty of healthy fats, including dairy fats of a certain type.

If you are tackling IBS or wanting to follow a healthier diet, get in touch and we can talk through the best diet for you. I am a big believer in tailoring diets to specific needs. We can learn a lot from the FODMAP diet, but each of these diets I’ve mentioned have positives and negatives, and I would like to help you find the right diet for you. For pregnant women, or those with certain health issues, dietary changes should be done carefully and with guidance, so please get in touch before making any changes.

2 04, 2019

Leaky Gut – How To Fix It & Why

2019-04-02T10:44:13+00:00By |Ailments, Foods, Nutrition, Vitamins|

Leaky Gut: How To Fix It & Why It’s a Top Priority

Leaky gut is a root cause for many health conditions. What’s more, it is often silent with no obvious symptoms.

“I tried a few different natural doctors to help me with my chronic UTIs and repetitive sinus infections, but it was only when I met Nick here in the UK that I really turned a corner and got change. He tested me and picked up leaky gut – he actually said the leaky gut was positioned next to my bladder, which was very precise. So we worked on leaky gut and also addressing my body as a whole, and quite quickly things started to change. I’m very grateful for all his help.” – Jo

Migraines, sinusitis, food intolerances, auto-immune problems, UTIs, anxiety, depression?

A good place to look is the gut. Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability has been linked to many health problems. What’s more, it’s common here in the UK. Thankfully you can fix it by learning how to heal, and start to resolve these problems with some simple steps.

Reabsorption of toxins

Your digestive system has a vital function within your body. It is the barrier that keeps nutrients in and toxins/pathogens out. Keeping the gut lining healthy is important, and this is where healthy gut bacteria play their role.

If the gut microbe is unhealthy, leaky gut can start to develop. What this really means is that toxins can leak back through the lining of the gut and into the bloodstream.

Disruption of gut flora

There are about 100 trillion bacteria (good and bad) in our gut, which affect our entire body, from how we feel mentally and emotionally, to metabolism and sleep quality. They can be knocked out of kilter with poor diet, antibiotics, exposure to mycotoxins, stress and more.

When this happens, you can start to feel really quite unwell, with a whole host of symptoms from migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, and even more serious issues.

Signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut

Leaky gut presents itself in many ways, but common symptoms include:

Leaky gut has also been linked with coeliac disease, multiple sclerosis and even autism, among other conditions.

Quick, uninvasive testing

Iridology is a test I carry out at my practice in London or Suffolk, and this is an excellent way of detecting leaky gut and for finding out which parts of the body it could be affecting. Other functional tests can also be used to find out specific underlying causes of leaky gut, such as a mycotoxin urine test.

Repairing Leaky Gut with natural medicine

There is a lot you can do with diet to support your gut lining, and your gut health Naturopath can guide you through this.

Diet is by far the most important factor in making your gut work. By keeping your gut microbiota in healthy balance, you can boost your immune system, support your digestion, remove environmental toxins from your body, and prevent leaky gut.

1) Include anti-inflammatory foods that are nutrient dense

To help get a handle on chronic inflammation, dietary changes can make a big difference.

  • This includes eliminating or greatly reducing added-sugar and alcohol from your diet. Candida and yeast thrive on sugar, and yeast overgrowth is one of the things that causes problems with the gut lining.
  • Stick with a varied diet of whole and unprocessed foods. This will bring a diversity of good bacteria into your gut to support the lining and gut integrity. It is worth noting that gut bacteria are related to the bacteria found in the soil – so my recommendation is to shop at your local market if you can, rather than your supermarket, so that foods are fresher and more in their natural state.
  • There are some foods that contribute to leaky gut. Wheat and gluten – which includes breads, pizza, pastries, pasta, some cereals, crackers, couscous, and gluten products, from cakes and muffins to biscuits and cookies. Following a gluten free diet is more manageable these days than in was previously, with many substitutes available. Processed meats – from  deli meats to bacon and sausages. Junk food – from crisps, sugary cereals and confectionery, etc. Pasteurized dairy – including milk, cheese, cream, ice cream. Refined oils – all refined oils, often vegetable oils, including canola, sunflower and rapeseed.  Artificial sweeteners: Aspartame, sucralose and saccharin – try stevia as a replacement. Drinks – avoid alcohol, fizzy drinks and other sugary drinks.
  • Include prebiotic foods that encourage good bacteria in the gut: examples are sweet potato, carrots, asparagus.
  • Include probiotic foods: these include sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, pickles. In fact fermented food like raw sauerkraut can often be a better source of probiotics than supplements found in health food stores.
  • Find out if you have a food allergy or allergies. This can be done with Kinesiology testing or other forms of testing. Then I recommend keeping away from these foods as they will contribute to irritation in the gut.
  • Bone broth is a a great way to get vital amino acids which help with tissue repair and gut healing and healthy digestion.

2) Supplement to support the gut

  • Prebiotics: Prebiotics feed intestinal bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids, which are important for the mucosal cells that create a healthy gut lining.
  • Probiotics: If you don’t want to add fermented food to your daily diet, you can supplement with a good quality probiotic from your local health food store.
  • Digestive enzymes: These are often compromised when leaky gut is present. Things like grains and legumes can be problematic and you can try avoiding these and at the same time add a good quality digestive supplement to your diet can help improve digestion and the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.
  • L-glutamine: An anti-inflammatory amino acid that is a priority when fixing and health leaky gut. It helps to cover cell walls and eliminate unwanted pests.

3) Tackle stress levels

The body works in mysterious ways sometimes, and you might be surprised to hear that studies have shown that stress affects the gut-brain axis, the pathway between your brain and your gut.

4) Too much sugar and a history of medications

Clearing  out of your body a history of too much sugar or medications, such as antibiotics, contraceptive pill, anti-inflammatories is important too. This is because these drugs can continue to cause damage in the cells of your digestive system, despite you having stopped them. Homeopathy is excellent at clearing out the damage that such things as antibiotics and sugar can cause.

Taking care of your gut is a great way to feeling better in so many ways, from vitality and energy, depression and anxiety to pain and memory problems.

Get in touch if you would like to get tested, or have any questions.

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