Why Consult With a Naturopath?
Are you looking from a holistic, thorough and proactive kind of healthcare? Are you after time, attention and guidance for symptoms you’re experiencing today as well as your long term health?
I wanted to share with you the main benefits you can get from working with a Naturopath, which I believe are as follows:
1) In-depth Health Review
This is a time to really explain everything that has been on your mind, from obvious symptoms you’re struggling with, to stresses that have rocked you, to niggling aches and pains. I will be there to listen and will take the time to really understand.
The consultation usually lasts about an hour, and allows for an in-depth discussion about your health, and also for me to carry out an iridology assessment. The goal of a Naturopath is to isolate the underlying predisposition to symptoms and health problems you might be experiencing, and to get a better picture of your constitutional health, strengths and weaknesses. This is vital and, over the last 30 years of practicing as a Naturopath, I have observed very clear patterns with health issues. Furthermore, sometimes functional tests are required, which might include stool, urine or hair analysis tests to get a fuller picture.
2) Pinpointing the Root Causes of Health Issues
Focusing on getting a thorough understanding of what is causing symptoms is key to treating them.
If a person has been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in October, it doesn’t mean that it started in October. It could have its roots months or even years prior to this. In this instance, identifying the cause is a vital step, which paves the way for a pinpointed treatment plan.
Catching things early, before they have a chance to evolve is even better. An example of this could be with digestive disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, commonly called IBS. Conventional medicine, such as steroids, might be prescribed to reduce inflammation and suppress symptoms. However, steroids do not address the underlying cause of the problem, so once discontinued the problem can return.
What’s more, if the cause is left unattended it can be allowed to develop further into a wide variety of ailments from migraines and eczema, to fatigue and inflammation, to many more. Getting to it early can save a lot of problems down the line.
3) Holistic Treatment
Treating the body as a whole is the cornerstone of Naturopathy. If one area of the body is not operating well it can have a domino effect.
For example, if a person has headaches or migraines, it’s rarely because of the head itself. It could be related to toxins in the body – where might these toxins be coming from and why are the toxins not being eliminated properly? What is causing this to result in pain in the head? These are the questions Naturopaths will look at. What’s more, these are the questions that will lead to successful treatment.
Through the in-depth review and isolating the cause, answers can be found so that targetted holistic treatment can be applied.
4) Working Towards the Goal of Chronic Disease Prevention
As a Naturopath, I will always have the intention of directing and controlling your health into the future. It’s not just about treating symptoms you have today.
Present day signals with chronic conditions, such as headaches, tiredness and fatigue, depression and anxiety, insomnia, weight problems, hormonal imbalance, skin problems, poor immune system, pain, arthritis and poor bowel health are all illnesses that have their root cause often years earlier.
Bandaids and temporary fixes, such as painrelievers, while they can certainly make you feel better, do very little to rebalance ones health and clear a state of ill health from the body. This is in contrast to the holistic approach used by a Naturopath, which will target the underlying cause, while also providing natural medicine to help relieve symptoms while the healing phase is in progress.
5) Naturopathic Medicine & Treatment Plans
One of the beauties of natural medicine is that programs and treatment plans are tailored to each individual. With the example of Chronic Fatigue, once the reason behind it is identified, a plan using natural therapies can be put in place.
The length of treatment varies from person to person, how long one has had a condition and its severity.
6) Restoring Our Natural Healing Ability
The goal is always to return to you your natural ability to heal and achieve optimum health. This innate ability is strong, but today there are many factors that hamper this ability.
The vast majority of us today have nutritional deficiencies of some kind. This is for many reasons, including:
- Food is approximately half as nutritionally dense as it was for our great grandparents.
- So much of our food is transported around the world before being stored for days or weeks in our supermarkets.
- Research has shown that fresh fruits and vegetables can loose 50% of their nutritional quality in 48 hrs if being picked.
- Processing of food is on a mammoth scale today, leading to problems such as farmed fish to chemicals and pesticides in our food.
- Agricultural methods are also very different today. We are eating about twenty times more sugar than our our great grandparents. Lifestyles are very different
Correcting toxicity and strengthening your body with natural remedies is extremely beneficial. In my practice I employ nutritional medicine (minerals and vitamins), herbal medicine and homeopathic remedies.
Get in touch to find out more or with any questions on 01379 308707.