You are in the right place for questions about your gut health

Many people are looking for answers about their gut health, from IBS, food allergies, gall bladder pain and consitpation to stomach upset, and unexplained pains and sensations.


70% of our immune system is tied up with the gut bacteria. Bowel health is something I talk about a lot because it’s such a frequent underlying cause or contributing factor behind so many health problems that it can’t be over emphasised. For example, headaches, food intolerances such as dairy, skin problems, recurrent urinary tract or sinus infections, and more are often related, even though it might not seem that way.

I’ve put together a questionnaire below. It’s worth noting that anybody can have some of these occassionally, such as a headache or upset tummy, but when symptoms become troublesome or chronic, and where you notice two or more, it is a good idea to investigate and address your gut health.

  1. Do you experience constipation often?
  2. Do you experience diarrhoea otten?
  3. Do you have IBS (swings between constipation and loose bowels)?
  4. Do you experience more than usual or uncomfortable burping?
  5. Do you have excessive wind?
  6. Do you experience bloating?
  7. Have you taken antibiotics before?
  8. Have you had food poisoning before?
  9. Have you had a bowel infection before, such as C. Diff?
  10. Do you have skin problems, such as Acne, Rosacea, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema?
  11. Do you experience regular headache migraine or sinusitis issues?
  12. Do you have recurrent or chronic UTIs or interstitial cystitis?
  13. Do you have fungal or Candida issues?
  14. Do you have trouble with Bacterial Vaginosis?
  15. Do you experience depression, anxiety, OCD or other mental health issues?
  16. Do you have food intolerances?

Natural medicine is a wonderful way to help rebalance and correct bowel health. There are a wide range of targeted and specific probiotics, as well as antifungals, antibacterials and herbs to sooth and health the gut wall and address things like leaky gut.

Iridology is useful for picking up issues with the digestive tract, and in some cases further testing, such as a stool test, can be benefiial. These tests can either be done in my London practice or Suffolk for Iridology, or functional tests can be carried out at home.

Get in touch with any question and to find out more.