How to Fix the Cause of Thyroid Problems

Don’t put up with tiredness, weight gain & symptoms associated with an underactive thyroid

Discovering the cause

As always, Naturopathy is about pinpointing the underlying cause, which is exactly what we do in the case of excessive tiredness.

One common cause is an underactive thyroid.

Many people who come to see me with excessive tiredness have seen their doctor and had blood tests and other checks that come back clear, including thyroid function tests.

Does a clear thyroid blood test rule out an underactive thyroid?

Despite clear blood tests, I often detect under active thyroid patterns in iridology health checks for those displaying typical symptoms

I recently read a quote from an American Endocrinologist, who stated that blood tests for thyroid function are not always acurate because when a blood sample is taken it’s only giving a reading of what is in that sample, rather than showing daily fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Iridology is a great way to pick up thyroid problems, as it detects chronic thyroid problems as well insufficiencies in areas such as liver and gallbladder, that are directly linked with thyroid function.

Common indicators of under active thyroid include

💤 Unexplained, excessive tiredness
💓 Heart palpitations
⚖️ Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
💇‍♀️ Thinning or brittle hair and nails
😔 Depression or low mood
🤰 Fertility problems
❄️ Sensitivity to the cold
🚫 Constipation
🌵 Dry skin

Treating the body as a whole

Did you know that 70% of thyroid issues are related to poor liver and gallbladder function?

It’s very rare to have a primary thyroid problem.

The root cause will often be one of three main areas:

  1. Liver and gallbladder: 80% of thyroid is converted from the inactive form of T4 into the active form of T3 in the liver and the gallbladder. Ensuring that your liver is not congested and there is sufficient bile flow is important.
  2. Adrenals: rundown adrenals can result in the thyroid not working properly. The way it does this is to create an autoimmune disease, so that the thyroid is attacking itself. It’s usually triggered by some stress, which can shock parts of the body. Helping adrenals and stress can be done with natural medicine.
  3. Estrogen dominance: If ovaries are producing too much estrogen, the extra estrogen can block the receptors for the thyroid hormone and lock up the gland. This results in the thyroid hormones being unable to get into these receptors to do their job, inhibiting proper thyroid function. Rebalancing hormonal levels is an important step to correct this, which can be done with herbs, nutritional support and/or homeopathy.

Natural medicine offers a great approach to correct thyroid function, by addressing thryoid levels, and also by gently correcting the underlying causes of thyroid problems.

Tiredness and fatigue can also be caused by a rundown nervous system and other causes. Click here for more

Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like further assistance.