How to Minimise Exp0sure to Pesticides in Fruit & Veg

Did you know 72% of apples contain multiple pesticide residues?

Have you ever wondered which fruits and veg are most affected by pesticides?

We can avoid the most contaminated fruits and veg by shopping organic. In addition, every year the Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) compiles a great list to show the percentage of fruits and veg samples that contain multiple pesticide residues. With this list in hand, we can be more selective about what we buy and how we prepare our fruits and veg.

The Dirty Dozen

🍑 Peaches / nectarines 85%

🍇 Grapes 84%

🍓 Strawberries 83%

🍒 Cherries 81%

🥬 Spinach 73%

🍏 Apples 72%

🟢 Sprouts 50%

🥒 Cucumbers 47%

🍅 Tomatoes 46%

🍑 Apricots 43%

🥬 Lettuce 39%

🫛 Bean pods 38%

This enlightening list can guide us towards which fruit and veg we should try to buy organic. If you can’t buy organic, which is sometimes difficult, sometimes washing and peeling can bring down the residual pesticide levels.

The UK Government tests approximately 3,000kg ⚖️of food for pesticide residues every year. From there, PAN UK analyses the results to produce this annual Dirty Dozen list. This is so useful to help with our shopping decisions and priorities.

😷 Pesticides are poisons created to kill living organisms. These are commonly refereed to as weed killers, insecticides and fungicides. 🚜 The problem has arisen as mass production of food has led to the chemical spraying of crops. This practice inevitably creates a risk of pesticides leaking into our foods and subsequently our bodies.

The problem affects different people in different ways, depending on their ability to detoxify. In addition, certain groups, such as young children and expectant parents can be more susceptible.

🧠🙌 🫁Exposure to pesticides and the build up in the body has been linked to increased incidence of certain diseases, including:

  • Cancers (especially non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumors, and cancers of the breast, prostate, lung, stomach, colorectal, liver, and the urinary bladder)
  • Alzheimer
  • Parkinson
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Infertility
  • Birth defects
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Organ diseases and system failures

Pesticides can also cause genetic and epigenetic changes at cellular levels. Pesticides may be involved in endocrine disruption and induction of inflammatory signals, causing oxidative stress, disruption to the cellular functions of mitochondria for example.

🧬If you are concerned that you have been exposed to pesticides, there is a test I can order for you, which you can carry out in the comfort of your home. This will detect levels of various pesticides that may have built up in your body.

⚕️ Pesticides can be effectively detoxified from the body with natural medicine. This is something I tailor individually. It’s important to note that before detoxifying it’s important to make sure that detox pathways are open to allow toxins to be cleared out of the body.

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Fantastic experience in helping my son with detox , mould and behaviour . It has helped massively , thanks NickRob B

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