Wondering About Natural Options for Managing ADHD?
Find out how to address ADHD naturally
The symptoms of ADHD are many, and very often are the result of underlying issues that need to be corrected.
Naturopathy offers a different way of addressing ADHD. It’s a multifactorial condition with behaviours stemming from a variety of overlapping triggers.
Typical triggers behind ADHD:
The first step is to uncover and identify factors that are underlying ADHD. These vary from person to person, but often will include one or some of the factors listed below. By systematically and carefully addressing each area that is identified, relief and improvement can be experienced.
1) Nutritional deficiencies
These vary from person to person, but commonly I see Omega 3, B6 and B12, Magnesium and Zinc deficiencies. Identifying and correcting these deficiencies in the correct form and amounts is an important step, and is best done under the care of a Naturopath as for some B vitamins will need to be introduced very gently and in varying forms, depending on your personal requirements.
2) Food intolerances or sensitivitie
These may be obvious or very subtle. Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities is key as they can exacerbate neuro-inflammatio
3) Low protein consumption
Ensuring sufficient protein in the diet is important to help alleviate symptoms. A nice way to start the day is with eggs, which give a nice protein boost.
4) Consuming a high glutamate diet
Glutamate is something I recommend minimising as it can overstimulate brain activity and interfere with neurotransmitter function. Correcting the balance between GABA and Glutamate is key.
5) Heavy metals
A hair mineral analysis test can help identify if there is a build up of heavy metals in the body, which in turn exacerbate symptoms.
6) Parasites and low level or residual bacterial, viral, or yeast infections
Such problems commonly exacerbate ADHD and can easily go undetected. Testing can help to pinpoint if these are an issue – symptoms can also guide us. Once identified, natural therapies can be applied.
8) Lack of exercise and fresh air
💚 If you are wanting to use natural therapies to address ADHD, it’s best to be under the guidance of a Naturopath, as the program should be carefully tailored. I like to work closely with those on the program and can explain more about the process in a free discovery call. Book your free discovery call here: https://calendly.com/nick-dale-naturopath/free-pre-consultation-call
Unlocking the Food-ADHD Connection!🍏🧠
Did you know that what you eat can hugely impact ADHD symptoms?
Paying attention to your diet is as vital as other treatments. Certain foods can worsen or ease ADHD symptoms. By recognizing what to avoid, those with ADHD can control nutrition for better well-being.
A balanced, nutritious diet is crucial for ADHD individuals. While no one-size-fits-all exists, common food triggers worsen symptoms.
🚫 High sugar and artificial additives (preservatives, coloring) can increase hyperactivity and impulsivity in ADHD individuals.
🚫 Processed, nutrient-poor foods (fast food, sugary snacks, high-caffeine drinks) disrupt concentration.
🚫 Foods high in Free-Glutamate, like dairy, gluten, and MSG, intensify ADHD symptoms. Consider a Low Free-Glutamate diet.
✅ Protein-rich diet regulates dopamine, linked to attention and focus.
✅ Omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, walnuts) support brain health and improve focus.
✅ Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins (chicken), legumes provide vital nutrients for optimal brain function.
Diet alone might not eliminate all ADHD symptoms, but it significantly improves well-being.
I’ve seen client improvements with nutritional supplements and homeopathics. Phosphatidylserine and omega-3s stand out, but need balance and supervision.