Bone broth is not only cheap and easy to make, it is a power-house superfood.

Bone broth promotes proper digestion by supporting the healing and sealing of the gut. It also helps to inhibit infections, such as colds and flus; fights inflammation and pain, such as in the joints, and promotes strong healthy hair, nails and bones.

Bone broth is an old-time staple

Traditionally homes would have bones simmering away on the cooker top and it was a way of life. Broth would be used in soups, stews or drunk on it on its own – increasing the density of nutrition and goodness in any meal it was added to. The loss of this tradition is an example of how our diets have changed in recent time. The diets of our ancestors (who experienced much less serious disease) was packed with unprocessed, organic whole foods and bone broth. There are many more bone broth benefits and reasons to reintroduce bone broth as much as possible into our diets.

Leaky gut

Leaky gut is one of the most common things I see in practice. It is in fact an important underlying factor in a wide range of health problems, from allergies and autoimmune disorders to depression, migraines, lymphatic congestion and skin problems. Collagen, which is in bone broth, has a soothing and healing action that promotes the sealing of the gut lining.

The best way to get bone broth is to make it yourself. Using the carcass of a cooked chicken, fish bones, or bones left over from any meal is a perfect way to do it – or you can often find the butchers will have some very cheaply. If you can use bones from organic or grass fed animas this is ideal as it will likely have the most gel. This is something we make in my family most weeks because I know what a cheap and easy way it is to boost what my family get from their meals.

Cooking the stock

  1. Put the bones in a large saucepan or crock pot and cover with water. Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and leave to stand for half an hour before putting it on the heat; this gives the vinegar time to help draw the nutrients out of the bones.
  2. Next roughly chop one or two carrots, an onion, and perhaps some celery or some other suitable vegetables that you may want to use up, such as leeks. You can also add herbs if you have any to hand, such as thyme, bay leaves, oregano. It’s not an exact science!
  3. Bring the broth to the boil, skim off the scum on the surface, lower the heat so it can simmer really gently for 12-24 hours. You can always turn it off an night and resume the simmer in the morning. You can also use a slow cooker if you prefer.
  4. When it’s ready you can strain it, put it in containers and use it make soups, risottos and stews, or drink it. It will keep in the fridge for several days, but will also freeze well.

I love bone broth because, instead of throwing away the remains of your Sunday roast, you can simply boil up the bones with vegetables to create this wonderful  superfood.
