COVID-19 Antibody Test
Finger-prick test available
You may be interested to find out if you already have antibodies to COVID-19.
I can supply you with a simple COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) home-sampling test kit. It is supplied with full instructions for collecting and submitting a finger-prick blood sample. Results are normally reported within 3-4 working days of receipt of your sample.
This test is suitable if you are feeling well, and simply want to have a yes/no answer about whether or not you have any detectable antibodies.
We are still learning a lot about the virus and testing positive for antibodies does not mean you definitely have immunity. Likewise, if you don’t test positive for antibodies it does not necessarily mean you have not had the virus – not everybody develops antibodies. While there is still a lot of uncertainty, it is very likely that the presence of antibodies means you have had Covid-19.and may have at least some temporary immunity. There is no firm agreement on how long immunity lasts, so a positive test doesn’t mean you are protected and able to ignore government guidelines.
By ordering the test kit you acknowledge the following:
I understand that this test indicates whether I have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) following exposure to an infected individual, but that a positive result has not been proven to confirm immunity from further infections, and testing too soon or some months after an infection may yield a negative result (we recommend testing at least two weeks after your first symptoms).
If you would like to find out more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.