Are you struggling with UTIs, Sinus Problems, Candida & Other Chronic Infections or Stubborn Health Problems?
Relief can be found once the cause is isolated, allowing for pinpointed, successful treatment to follow. Functional testing checks for undetected bacterial, fungal and parasite infections, which often lie behind chronic health problems and infections.
“After enduring relentless frequency and achy pain for months, Nick found out what the problem was, which was such a relief. He gave me supplements to help relieve the problem as well as a program to treat it. I’m pretty much back to myself now, which I’m so grateful for. With the things I had read online I was really worried I wouldn’t get better, and my GP didn’t think there was anything wrong with me because the UTI tests came back negative. I’m so glad Nick was able to give me answers, thank you Nick.” – Mary
Chronic infections on the rise
Increasingly, people come and see me with stubborn, chronic conditions that are not resolving after seeing their GP and other usual interventions. Examples include chronic UTIs and infections, sinus problems, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, skin disorders, emotional and memory problems. Getting to the bottom of why you have chronic issues is key, what’s more, sometimes people will have one underlying issue behind or contributing to several problems, such as UTIs. sinus problems and anxiety.
Functional testing to isolate the cause
Through functional tests, which I now offer through my practice, it has became apparent that underlying many of these problems lay bacterial, fungal and parasite issues. Not only are the health issues I’m seeing often uncomfortable and life altering, if problems such as mold toxicity and parasites are left untreated they can lead to serious health problems, including things like Cancer.
Common Underlying Causes
Below are examples of common causes that are indicated through functional testing. Furthermore, sometimes people have no idea they are carrying these internal problems.
The Next Step
The first step is to find out what is happening inside the body. Ideally this is done with an appointment in London, Suffolk or online. If you would like to have a chat first with any questions please get in touch.